There’s nothing worse than watching your child struggle with a problem and you don’t know what to do to help them. Or maybe your spouse is frustrated and upset. Maybe you are, too. If you don’t know where to turn, it’s ok. You’re here, and LaFarris Risby can help.
LaFarris is a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) who, as a childcare and parenting expert, helps her clients be better and more effective family members. Family life can be challenging, and LaFarris helps family members uncover their core issues. She then gives them the tools and training they need for success.
Some of the areas LaFarris covers include:
Effective and Responsive Discipline
Relationships for Young Adults
Military Life and Resiliency
Active Marriage
Basic Parenting
Parenting with Love and Logic
Social and Emotional Competence
Professional Development for Childcare Professionals
Infant Massage
Child Development
I’m here to help you build & maintain healthy relationships!
LaFarris has been active in Early Childhood Education for over 25 years as the founder of Loving Arms Childcare & Preschool in Junction City, Kansas. That role prepared her for her next journey, where she has helped countless families. She is an active listener who knows that listening is just as important as teaching when she is with a family that is hurting and in need of help.
Coming from a place of compassion and understanding, LaFarris understands that stress can come from many different places, increasing the burden families already bear. She is determined to make a difference for these families, helping them find new and better ways to communicate and work together as a family.
The CFLE credential is awarded by the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). The program is for professionals who have experience in family life education settings, including teaching, community education, public information and education, curriculum and resource development, health care, and others. The CFLE credential requires a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. LaFarris has surpassed this requirement and holds two degrees and many certifications.
As a CFLE, LaFarris uses an approach based in education and prevention to help clients grow their communication skills, develop positive self-esteem, learn how to make good decisions, and to build healthy relationships.